Sunday, November 17, 2013

11 Reasons You Should Date a Dog Owner !!!

11 Reasons You Should Date a Dog Owner - dog walking

Earlier this year when I was looking to start dating again, I realized quickly how scary the dating world can be. There aren’t really any hard and fast rules and the quest for “the one” can be daunting. Then I took a closer look at myself and realized there were amazing habits and responsibilities I had developed through owning my littler Border Colliemix, Sierra. It was then that I realized a lot of the traits I’d appreciate in a life partner are also shared with people who love dogs! Boy, did that make things easier.
Me with a friend’s dog.
When looking for a potential mate, we’re always on the lookout for traits that make them stand out in a positive way. Studies have found that men and women that own dogs tend to be more social, active and thoughtful; all great traits when it comes to the dating world. Owning a dog teaches you how to care for another being, which in turn helps develop your character. In fact, choosing to own a dog can also uncover an underlying personality preference to spend one’s alone time with a social, curious and giving creature. Read on for 11 stellar reasons to date a dog owner.

1. They’re social

Dogs are social animals who enjoy meeting others, playing in groups and exploring the world with friends. For this reason, people that choose to own dogs tend to be more social and easy to get along with. Whether it means doggie play dates at the park, pet sitting for a neighbor’s pup or bringing your pup out to dog-friendly restaurants, the bottom line is dogs help dog owners stay social and more connected with their communities.

2. They’re active

When owning a dog, there are times where you’ll be woken up at the crack of dawn for a walk or a jog. There’s no use complaining about it, your dog needs you to take him out, he depends on you. This is how we care for our dogs, and in turn this is how they keep us positive about being active. Dog owners are constantly looking for new active things to do with their dogs to make sure their needs are being met.

3. They’re responsible

Learning to care for another animal is a process that requires patience and commitment. Even if they want to go to dinner with coworkers, owners have to first take their dogs’ well-being into consideration. Putting someone else’s well-being above yours is an admirable quality that requires time and practice to achieve. Luckily, with a dog owner, they get plenty of practice with their pooches.

4. They’re thoughtful
When you own a pet, you’re no longer just thinking for yourself. You have to be keenly aware of someone else’s wants and needs. For many pet parents, a specific whimper, growl or stance can signal a specific problem or need. Someone who has learned to be so attuned to her pups behavior will most likely transfer those skills to her human relationships.

5. They’re playful

Dogs are social, playful creatures. If you’ve ever tried to ignore a pup when they were trying to play with you, chances are you had a pretty difficult time. Dogs are known to bring out the playful side of even the most curmudgeonly of us, and when you’re a dog owner, this is even more so the case.

6. They’re forgiving

For anyone who’s ever owned a puppy, you’ve come to understand that accidents happen. A puppy owner definitely has to learn to be okay cleaning up a fair share of messes. What you learn in the process is that despite life’s messes, what’s more important is that the pup is happy, healthy and continues to grow and learn from his mistakes. This attitude is both healthy and important.
Her pup will always stick by her side, and she’ll stick by yours.
11 Reasons You Should Date a Dog Owner - man playing with dog

7. They’re loyal

When you are a pet parent, you can’t help but feel slightly undeserving of how devoted your dog is. Being on the receiving end of such unwavering loyalty makes pet parents more likely to want to give that back to their friends, family and partners.

8. They’re easygoing

If you’ve ever hung out with a dog, you’ll soon realize that they are just happy to be alive. This attitude is absolutely contagious and most dog owners either are laid-back in nature or pick up this easygoing attitude from their pups.

9. They know how to enjoy life

Dogs tend to live fully in the moment. Someone who chooses a pup as her companion usually value a dog’s approach to life or shares the same approach. In a world where anxiety runs high and people are constantly stressed about money and work, having someone who knows how to enjoy life becomes all the more important.

10. They’re good companions

The majority of dog owners find comfort in the companionship they have with their dogs. This means that they are open and willing to share their life with someone. This openness means that dog owners have the tendency to be great companions themselves simply because they understand the importance of it.

11. They’re conscientious

Dog owners are shown in studies to have a higher tendency to show self-discipline, to aim for higher goals and to complete tasks. This reveals that dog owners tend to be reliable people who are aware of their surroundings. Who wouldn’t want someone like this by her side?

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