Monday, November 19, 2012

Does Breaking Up Haunt You?

Does Breaking Up Haunt You? - break up

It is not better when a couple fight but it gets bitter when they break up and stay as away as possible. Breaking up has become a habit for many but for the true and genuine lovers, it haunts all their life.
According to many, breaking up itself is like stress. A stress that is worse than the business and job stress. People feel scared to have a new relationship after breaking up as they are scared that the past may repeat or may haunt all their life.
When two people get close, they plan to share their lives for all the good and bad and all of a sudden they split, think opposite and move away. By doing this, the two don't realise the after effects, the pain, the fidelity and many more issues.

The worse that haunts a relationship after breaking up are the memories. The love that the two shared, the intimacy, the made for each other feelings keep coming in mind often. To believe that everything is come to an end itself a bitter feeling that most genuine lovers experience.
And if your partner has moved away from the breaking up moments and has found somebody new, it gets even bitter for you as you will not be able to accept the new change in your partner's life.
People even lose interest ni life after having a bitter break up but that shouldn't be the way as one needs to understand that whatever happens happens for good and try getting over with the painful impact.
Will power, keeping busy, learning new things and spending valuable time with pals and family will help you get over a break up and that will be the only way fight the love haunt.

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