Sunday, December 25, 2016

7 Tips to Avoid Becoming a Henpecked Husband

7 Tips to Avoid Becoming a Henpecked Husband man woman happy excited

The feeling of being nagged throughout the day is the one that some married men can relate to and experience almost every day. No one likes getting their faults pointed out time and again. If you have found yourself in a situation where your wife has transformed from the lovable sweet bride to a screaming banshee ready to nitpick at any time then browsing through these points would be advisable.

1. Talk it out
The first step to tackle this problem would be to voice what you feel. Probably she may not even be knowing how frequently she has been nagging and how irritated you are with it. So make her sit down when she is in a good mood and have a frank talk with her about how it bothers you.

2. Do your own thing
She isn’t understanding the problem and you are tired of her constant pecking. Do your own thing in such a situation. When she notices that her nagging is having no effect on you and you are taking a stand for yourself instead of meekly listening to her, then she would realize the futility of henpecking you.

3. Marriage counseling
If things are not sorting out even after conversing then the next wise step would be to approach a marriage counselor. A professional would be able to solve the matter and avoid you from being henpecked any further.

4. Give a dose of the same medicine
You may not be the kind to nag or be on someone’s head all the time, but sometimes giving the other, a dose of their own medicine works. Nag her also for the works she doesn’t do, about her household chores or workplace responsibilities. Once she finds herself at the receiving end, hopefully some sense would enter her brains.

5. Find out why she is like this
There could be a meaningful reason as to why she has started bossing you around. Is it because of your shortcomings? Or is it due to boredom? Or maybe due to too much stress. You should get to the bottom of it and resolve it for your own good.

6. Do what she says
Maybe the cause of her constant griping and misgivings are your own shortcomings. Think over what she says and then do them. Once you start doing the things she says you will realize whether those things were worth doing or cribbing about getting done. Also, her henpecking will reduce.

7. Take her family’s and friends’ help
If the continuous nagging goes beyond your patience level, then you could talk it out with her family and friends. This would help you to understand why she has been doing so and they could also aid in making her be aware of her wrong doing.

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