Wednesday, December 28, 2016

7 Kinds of Girls You Should Never Be With !!

7 Kinds of Girls You Should Never Be With crazy nuts mad woman furious shouting yelling lunatic

If you are single and thinking to mingle, we are here to warn you about those species of women you should not be around. Yes, there are 7 kinds of women, being around whom would be hazardous for your well being and hence it would be wise of you to keep as much distance from them as possible.

1.The drama queen
Girls who love drama constantly going on in their lives are not stable enough for a long term relationship. Since she craves attention and TV soap like incidents happening in her life, she will soon be fighting with you, crying, getting moody and even breaking up with you for literally no reason whatsoever.

2.Those having haughty attitude
You know this type of girl from school or college. She was the pretty one with loads of attitude whom guys were mad behind. If you happen to have a chance with such a girl then you had better be on your guard as these girls think no end of themselves, are mean to the world in general and wouldn’t mind ditching you for another better looking or richer guy.

3.Party crazy girls
While a clingy girl is a no-no, a girl who is too carefree to care for your emotions is a time waste. This girl loves to party, booze and dance the night away, has hangovers, doesn’t really have a job and couldn’t be bothered less about her career. Its not practical to have a serious relationship with someone who is going wild every second night.

4.The suicidal depressed girls
This kind of a girl is a bit hard to decipher in the beginning. The golden rule is be friends with girls for at least a month or so before jumping into a relationship with them as this will help you gauge if she is any of these 7 type of girls. The depressed girl will get very clingy and make your life hell with her suicidal stories and manipulative ways.

5.The gold digger
The gold digger again is a girl whose intentions are tough to discover. Although she may start off all sweet and understanding, you will realize after a point she is getting more high-maintenance by the day and your money is not enough for her needs. Don’t waste your money and emotions in such a shallow girl.

6.Staunch feminists
Dating a feminist is like walking on eggshells. Whatever you do or say will be misconstrued as being chauvinistic and be held against you. This kind of girl is always cribbing about the world being gender discriminatory and unfair, making you wonder why you were even attracted to her in the first place.

7.She has multiple exes
Having exes is not a bad thing and doesn’t make anyone unworthy of having a lasting relationship again. However, if she has had ex boyfriends, names of whom she can barely count on all of her fingers and the reasons for breaking up with them seem vague or unimportant, then you can be sure your name would soon be lost among the sea of exes she has.

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