Friday, December 30, 2016

20 Things That Women Hate About Men

20 Things That Women Hate About Men ,woman hate man cover his ears

There are some common things, habits and personality traits that women around the globe hate about men. Know these peculiar traits and find out if you are annoying your partner by doing the same things again and again.

1. Messy rooms
Women hate that their boyfriend keep their rooms messy most of the time. Whether it is about throwing the towel on the bed after a bath, using dirty socks again or dumping shirts in the closet, men can be least concerned about keeping their spaces spic and span. Women hate to see their men living in shabbiness.

2. Obsession with sports
Spending time together may probably go down a man’s priority list when a football match is on or when his favorite baseball team is hitting home runs on TV. A couple of beers, tubs of popcorn and a few other buddies is all what a man needs to take his mind off his woman for some time. Women hate the fact that a game on TV holds the power to grab their man’s attention in a jiffy.

3. Hatred for shopping
Women are known to love shopping and most men are known to hate it. Women tend to see shopping as a therapy where as men tend to see it as a boring errand. Waiting at trail rooms, queuing up to pay the check, trying various sizes and checking out deals on various brands can tick off a man. A guy’s hatred for shopping is what women hate about them.

4. Commitment phobia
Girls and guys can both be afraid of commitment. But for the girls who seek a long term relationship, a guy’s lack of commitment can be extremely annoying. How are couples supposed to enjoy a long walk on the beach, talk about the future over wine or have a shoulder to rest on at the end of the day, if one of the partners is not willing to commit to a relationship. Commitment phobia and the resistance to talk about having a future together is what women hate about men.

5. Expecting physical intimacy even after a fight
Women are much more sensitive than men when it comes to matters of physical intimacy. If a guy expects intimacy even after an argument or fight, it can be very annoying. Women expect their men to behave like a true gentleman and back away from any expectations of physical intimacy after a bitter argument.

6. Not letting women drive
Do you act macho when you are on the wheel? Girls are likely to get annoyed when their boyfriends don’t allow them to drive just because they are around. Women can drive darn well too.

7. Swearing too often
If you drop the F word in-between every other sentence that you speak in front of her friends or family, your woman may get upset. Girls don’t think swearing is very sophisticated and they can get irritated when their man swear without any reason.

8. Remaining friends with ex-girlfriends
Girls may tell their boyfriends that they are okay with them being friends with their exes. But this should never be taken literally as your woman may actually mean the exact opposite of this.

9. Spending money over beer

Women don’t like it when their boyfriends talk about saving money on one hand and going out and spending money on beer with their pals on the other hand. Women would rather want their men to spend time with them instead of hitting the bar with their friends every other evening.

10. Ogling at female celebrities
If you are flipping though a woman’s magazine and become wide mouthed on seeing female celebrities and models, you are likely to tick your woman off. If you wouldn’t like your lady to ogle at pictures of scantily clad made celebrities, shouldn’t the same logic apply to you?

11. Complimenting your best friend who is a female
Women may like it if their men get along with their best friends who are females. But if you overdo the friendliness quotient by giving a female friend one compliment after another, your girlfriend may hate it.

12. Leaving the bathroom wet and dirty
For men, keeping the bathroom wet or dry is not much of an issue but it can bother women out of their wits. Girls are known to be very particular about keeping bathrooms clean, so seeing a wet and messy bathroom can drive them crazy.

13. Accessorizing in bling to look fashionable
Men trying to look fashionable can be a tricky thing. Only some men have the flair of carrying latest fashion trends. So, if you walk up to your girlfriend accessorized in total bling in a bid to look fashionable, you may be making a terrible mistake.

14. Comparing your woman with your mother
If you are a mommy’s boy or you simply want to tell your lady more about your mother, make sure that you don’t start making comparisons between them. Women hate it when they are compared with their partner’s mother.
15. Dirty, untrimmed nails
Women tend to make a big deal about hygiene so, your untrimmed and dirt infested finger or toe nails could invite your woman’s wrath. Women can’t stand the fact that you can possibly eat with those same set of dirty nails.

16. Not asking for directions
Women hate it when men can’t put their egos aside and simply ask a local person a few landmarks to get to a destination easily. Asking for directions is much easier than driving around streets in confusion.

17. Forgetting important days in your relationship
Women get put off when their guys forget important dates in their relationship. Make a mental note of all the important dates in your relationship including anniversaries and birthdays. Forgetting them will only invite your girlfriend’s anger.

18. Wanting public display of affection
Women may not always be comfortable with public display of affection. They may be okay with holding hands and hugging, but boyfriends who try to reach beyond that may upset them.

19. Women hate it when men display selective hearing
Do you instantly become attentive when your girlfriend is talking about her best friend and then ignore her when she starts talking about her clothes? Women hate it when men zone out during conversations that are not of their interest.

20. The inability to multitask
Women are known to be good at multitasking and they expect the same from their man. If you are only used to doing one thing at a time, whether it is when you go out for a date or do a chore together with your girlfriend, you could be leaving her angry and annoyed.

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