Saturday, December 14, 2013

Shaking up the Sexual Gridlock

gty_couple_jef_man woman hanging going out date - Shaking up the Sexual Gridlock

All couples deal with the painful process of initiation and mismatched desire in the course of their relationship. Listen as Dr. David Schnarch, author of Intimacy and Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship and The Passionate Marriage offers time tested wisdom to make your relationship the people growing mechanism that it is. Through insightful case studies and helpful exercises,  Dr. Schnarch unravels the gridlock that common sexual issues of boredom and low libido create.
Dr. Schnarch is a licensed clinical psychologist, internationally recognized expert on relationships and sexuality, and the founder of Crucible® Therapy, an integrated treatment for sex, intimacy, and relationship problems, an approach which is studied by clinicians around the world.
Crucible® Therapy differs from conventional couple’s therapy by emphasizing personal growth (“differentiation”) rather than communication skills, empathic listening, or compromise and negotiation. Differentiation-based Crucible Therapy teaches couples to tolerate the anxiety of communicating difficult things, while soothing one’s own emotional state which results in the ability for each partner to grow individually and becoming more skilled at growing a relationship.
Developing deep and meaningful intimacy with your partner starts with growing yourself.  Don’t miss this enlightening and helpful discussion on learning the basics of loving.

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