Tuesday, May 7, 2013

6 Foods for Better Sex !!!!

6 Foods for Better Sex  - man and woman eating

Is your bow-chicka-bow letting you down, down, down? You could blame a lot of things like the kids, your headache, or a perceived boredom between you and your partner. But have you considered looking at your plate?

Being overweight can certainly affect your libido. We could dig in to the science, but it’s pretty self evident, isn’t it? Eat a bag of McDonald’s and you’d probably rather lay around and think about doing it rather than actually getting up and doing it. Have a much lighter, fresher, good-for-you meal and you are more likely to want to follow through.

What you’re eating can play a role in your sex life, but not just in how much of the bad stuff you’re eating. Are you getting enough of the aphrodisiac foods when it really counts?

Funny enough, the smellier the better seems to be key with these foods, with oysters, asparagus, and garlic on the list. But what the smelly and non-smelly foods on this list all share is that they’re great for you. They’re super healthy foods that you should be eating anyway, and what can it hurt if you get a little something-something out of it?

What makes these foods a turn on?

Asparagus offers a lot of folic acid, which can increase histamine production which makes reaching orgasm easier for both men and women.

Garlic is ripe with allicin, which increases that all important blood flow.

Oysters on the half-shell are pretty sexy to eat, and the protein can certainly promote stamina. However, they also have been connected with increasing production of testosterone, which raises libido in both genders.

Ginger gets some love in the Kama Sutra for its ability to stimulate blood flow which makes the erogenous zones much more sensitive.

Chocolate is the go-to romance food for good reason. Cacao has PEA (phenylethylamine), the “love chemical,” which promotes dopamine production in the brain’s pleasure centers which peak at orgasm. PEA also inspires feelings of euphoria and attraction, which pair well with the tryptophan’s effects of relaxation.

Avocado are referred to as ahuacuatl, or “the testicle tree,” by the Aztecs. With a name like that it’s got to be sexy. In fact, in the 16th century, Catholic priests in Mexico banned avocados from being eaten because of their overt sexual appearance.

Remember to order these foods if treating your love to dinner, or be sure these ingredients are on the menu before you take to the kitchen yourself. There are plenty of combinations here to cover an appetizer, meal, and dessert. Just don’t get too full!

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