Friday, February 15, 2013

How To Keep Your Summer Fling Short & Sweet ??!!

How To Keep Your Summer Fling Short & Sweet - romantic couples
Skip that whole sad, self-loathing phase and just nip it in the bud. Keep phone calls and text message to a minimum and when you’re not with that person, try not to think about the “next time" you’ll see them again.

When the summer hits and the weather heats up, so do many of our hormones – more sun means more serotonin aka happy chemicals for your brain. Not to mention, lots of us are taking short trips to fun places to getaway for a week or so during the summer. Each of these things is a part of the perfect formula for one thing: the ideal summer fling! While it may be a little taboo, it’s perfectly normal to meet someone over the summer and have a random romp. Sometimes people feel like that makes them loose or promiscuous, but a summer fling here and there is completely normal, in fact, I’d say it’s actually healthy because you can just let go and “let it all hang out” – literally.

One common snafu of a summer fling is that people catch feelings, get a little too invested, and ultimately end up with hurt feelings behind what was supposed to be something so simple. And we all know that when I say “people,” I’m referring to women. Yes, we’re typically the ones who get very excited and want that sexual attraction to turn into something more substantial after we give up the goodies. Don’t fall into that trap, ladies! Here are a few tips to help keep things in perspective this summer before you take off on your annual girl’s trip, or that weekend getaway:

1.Keep Contact To A Minimum
A summer fling is something that should only last for a brief amount of time; too much communication can hinder this from happening. If you’re speaking, texting or seeing this person too much, you might start to become too attached and use to this behavior, so when it is over, you will feel a void and won’t want things to end.  Skip that whole sad, self-loathing phase and just nip it in the bud.  Keep phone calls and text message to a minimum and when you’re not with that person, try not to think about the “next time" you’ll see them again. I know it sounds a bit harsh, but you will thank me in the end when it’s easier to rip off that band-aid.

2.Live It Up
Have the best time of your life with your summer fling. Do things you’ve never even imagined, try new things, go to new places and just be free! The beauty of a summer fling is that you don’t have to worry about things like: what other people will think, how he will look at you after you do/say something, basically all judgment is thrown out of the window – after all, what do you owe him? Nothing! That’s the great part about a summer fling. You’re actually free to be yourself and once again…let it all hang out. Just remember to keep things safe by protecting yourself during all this spontaneous activity.

3.Last But Not Least, Get Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Program
Once the fantasy is over, it is important to go right back to your normal life so that you’re not stuck in an unrealistic situation. If you return to what you knew before you met your summer fling, you may not have such a hard time getting over things. It’s important that you remind yourself that things were temporary and that your life before the summer was just fine. You might even have to get over your short-term lover by moving on to someone else sooner rather than later. Getting back to basics is probably the best and most effective strategy for moving on from your summer fling. 

Most importantly, remember that summer flings are not meant to last. They’re more about the spontaneity, the thrill and adrenaline of something new and unknown. Don’t be sad and mope around if it doesn’t last: it’s not supposed to! Good luck this summer!

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