Friday, January 6, 2017

7 Signs of a Desperate Woman !!

7 Signs of a Desperate Woman girl upset sad paniced put her hands on hair shocked

Having difficulty judging women? Here are 7 signs you should watch out for, that may give a signal that the woman is desperate for a date and for your attention.


1. She has a profile on all dating websites

It may be acceptable to have a profile on one or at maximum a couple of online dating websites but if she has a profile on almost every popular dating portal, she may be desperate for a date. If she really wants to stumble upon Mr. Right, signing up on more than a couple of dating websites is not the answer.


2. She instantly becomes very comfortable with you

Has she started behaving as if you both have known each other since many years from the very first conversation? If you find that she has easily become extra friendly with you from the word go, she could be desperate for your company.


3. She has no choices with the type of guys she goes out with

Everyone is picky about their dates and she should be too. But if she seems like the girl who will go out with anyone and really has no particular choices when it comes to guys, she may be just desperate to get a date.


4. She constantly keeps calling without any reason

Does she keep calling you multiple times every day without reason? This may be a clear sign that the woman is desperate for your attention. It is acceptable if you both talk on the phone once in a couple of days to catch up, but if you get a call from her every single day, there could be something more than what meets the eye.


5. She is all over your social media presence

Are her posts and tweets all over your social media presence? If her messages are all you can see when you check your Facebook or Twitter, she may be desperate for a date. A couple of messages on Facebook are the norm when it comes to interacting with others online, but if she is constantly messaging you, tweeting you and inviting you on various apps on the social network, she may be vying for your undivided attention.


6. She is willing to put away or reschedule other priorities for a date

From school to work and everything in between, everyone has priorities and things to do, and she should too. If she agrees to postpone, reschedule or put away all other things in her schedule when you ask to meet at the drop of a hat, she could be desperate for a date with you.


7. She easily feels bad or offended

She could be desperate if she appears to be easily offended or feels bad for no apparent reason. That may be her way of grabbing your attention as you are likely to show concern. Being emotional is one thing, but being overly fragile and feeling bad for anything and everything under the sun are two totally different things. Watch out for the latter in her behavior.

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