Wednesday, January 4, 2017

6 Ways to Deal With a Drama Queen Girlfriend !!

woman girl crying cry Drama Queen Girlfriend

Drama queen is a term used to describe women who invest unnecessary emotion in insignificant things and make a mountain out of a molehill. If your girlfriend is a drama queen, here are a few ways to help you deal with her.


1. Don’t pay extra attention

How can your girlfriend possibly create a mountain out of a molehill when you have nothing to add to it? The answer is that she can’t. She may keep talking continuously for some time but the minute she realizes that you are not interested, she may feel like putting an end to her drama.


2. Don’t give instant reactions

If you find that your girlfriend has started whining about something irrelevant, don’t give knee jerk reactions of anger and frustration. This will instantly give her another reason to pin you down and create more drama. Give monosyllabic replies and hear her out without any provocations.


3. Talk to her about the problems caused by her melodrama

Ignoring her may help you get temporary peace of mind but to get your drama queen girlfriend to stop permanently, you will have to do some honest talking. Recall and enlist all the conflicts that could have been deflated if she wouldn’t have over reacted. Also tell her about all the conflicts in the past that could have been easily resolved if she did not manipulate the matter with her melodrama. Unless you pin point specific details to her, shay may not be able to understand what harm her behavior may be causing.


4. Pretend that you need a break in your relationship

If you think that feigning a serious conflict with your girlfriend can help her realize that she is a drama queen, you can choose to go ahead with this trick. Tell her that you are sick and tired with all her drama and you can’t take it anymore. Don’t breakup with her but tell her that you want to take a breather from your relationship for some time. This may suddenly make her realize that the matter is serious and it can go out of hand if she doesn’t control it.


5. Change the subject

Drama queens have the capacity to go on and on about something until they are stopped. If you think that your drama queen girlfriend’s gossip or emotional venting has crossed all limits, abruptly and firmly change the subject. Be very loud and clear in telling her that you are not interested to continue talking with her if she doesn’t converse about anything else.


6. Call it quits if the situation gets out of hand

Women who behave like drama queens may engage in emotional blackmail through verbal abuse or by acting crazy. If you think that your girlfriend has already done enough emotional damage by behaving like a drama queen all the time, you may want to call it quits on her. Taking a heart wrenching decision like breaking up may be much better for you than enduring pain that you don’t deserve.

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