Tuesday, December 27, 2016

9 Signs She is Controlling and Dominating You !!

Signs She is Controlling and Dominating You satan devil woman demonic evil girl wear horns

There are some prominent personalities and behavioral traits that can help you identify whether your girlfriend is controlling and dominating or not. Read on to find out what those traits are.

1. She keeps a tab on your whereabouts by the minute
A controlling girlfriend is likely to be obsessed about your schedule by the minute. This may essentially owe to her insecurity and possessiveness. If your girlfriend expects you to keep her constantly informed about where you are and who you are with, it may be a sign that she is the boss in your relationship.

2. She checks your phone, email and other accounts
Dominating women hate to be left in the lurch and to find out something new about their boyfriends from a third person. If your girlfriend thinks the same way, she is likely to have the habit of scanning though your emails, texts and call history to constantly keep a tab on who you have been interacting with.

3. She makes decisions for you
Whether it is about which pizza to eat, what to wear every day or who to be in touch with, a controlling girlfriend will try to manage everything about her boyfriend’s life. If your lady is behaving similarly, you could be living under her thumb.

4. Your efforts and positive qualities are never good enough for her
Bossy girlfriends never find the existing good qualities of their boyfriends to be enough. If your girlfriend always overlooks your efforts to make up to her or if she is always pin pointing room for improvement in your personality, it may be a sign that she is the one calling the shots.

5. She insults you in front of your friends
Has your girlfriend ever put you down in front of other people? Has she ever made a sly joke about you to her friends? If yes, then it means that the reins of your relationship are in your girlfriend’s hands and she maligns your reputation when she pleases to.

6. She picks a fight about insignificant matters
Picking arguments and fights about the most insignificant of matters may be your girlfriend’s way of showing you that she is the one who controls the relationship. If you can’t put a stop on your girlfriend’s unnecessary whining and complaining, she may clearly be the dominating one.

7. She always blames you
Coupes may play the blame game with each other in times of conflict. But that doesn’t mean only one partner bears the brunt all the time. If your girlfriend has the guts to put you at fault every time even if you are not in the wrong, she may have a dominating and controlling personality.

8. She gets angry for no reason
Anger can be one of the many venting channels for people with dominating personalities. It is natural for your girlfriend to get upset with you if you displease her over something important. But if she is throwing temper tantrums at you for no reason, it may be a result of her bossy nature.

9. Her stuff always gets more priority
Have you ever canceled meeting your guy friends for a beer because your girlfriend wanted you to accompany her to a movie? Have you forsaken watching an exciting baseball match because you had to go shopping with your lady love? If her stuff always gets priority over yours, your woman could be controlling and dominating your life.

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