Friday, December 30, 2016

7 Signs She May Not be That Into You !!

7 Signs She May Not be That Into You man woman love break up divorce sea shore beach sunset

Do you have a gut feeling that the girl you are dating is not reciprocating to you the same way as you are? Read on to find out about signs which say that she might not be that into you.

1. She always seems distracted when you are talking
Have you always found your date looking everywhere else in the room except in your eyes while you talk? Not only can this feeling be insulting but it can also immediately help you find out that your girl isn’t really interested in you.

2. She gets uncomfortable when you are too romantic
When you attempt to hold hands and murmur sweet nothings in your girl’s ears, her ideal reciprocation should be something equally romantic, for example, resting her head on your shoulders. If you get a cold vibe from her on a romantic advance like this, it could be a sign that her heart doesn’t beat the same way for you as does yours for her.

3. She always insists on splitting the bill
If your girl always insists on splitting the bill when the both of you go out on dates and dinners, it could be her way of telling you that she is not so much into the relationship. The act may be a passive way of defining formal boundaries between the both of you.

4. She never introduces you to her friends
Girls are known to be excited about introducing their boyfriends to their pals. It is a way for them to flaunt off their guys in front of their friends. If your date doesn’t introduce you to any of her friends even if she meets them in front of you, you could take it as a sign that she is not that into you yet.

5. She never initiates any plans
Are you the one who is always calling? Do you always find yourself planning dates and thinking about new ideas to spend a fun evening with your girl? If your girl is not that into you, she is likely to show minimal or zero initiative in your relationship.

6. She keeps asking for more time to reveal your relationship to other people
A couple should ideally be very excited to announce their relationship. If your girlfriend is constantly trying to delay telling everyone about your relationship for no reason, it may be a sign of her not being sure about being with you.

7. She indulges into excessive healthy flirting
Healthy flirting could be acceptable, but it limits. If your girlfriend seems to constantly push the limits of healthy flirting with other men, she may just not be as interested in you as you are in her. Excessive compliments to other guys and flirty body language are some signs that you should watch out for.

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