Tuesday, December 20, 2016

7 Signs She Loves You !

7 Signs She Loves You man love woman like touch her chin girl

Ask any loving couple and they would tell you that the very instant they met, they knew something was there. Though all relationships are not as straightforward as this case, it is not so difficult to know if a lovely lady thinks of you as her prince charming. Just have a look at these signs to be sure that she loves you:

1. She can never say no to you
Even if you call her at midnight, she is ever ready to help you in your endeavors. Don’t be surprised if she is keen on helping you with your college work or other boring stuff.

2. She is attracted to you
You can tell this by examining her body language. Look for extreme happiness upon seeing you, dilated pupils or basically an excited look. Don’t forget to take note of her blushing and girly antics to flaunt her off as a girlfriend material.

3. She gets jealous of your female friends
She gets overtly jealous when you talk about one of your close girlfriends. She may even go to the extent of making you jealous by talking about her flirting advances with one of the cute guys at the party.

4. She wants to meet your parents
She insists on being a part of your family during get-togethers, picnics or other occasions. She hopes to befriend your mom for recipes and even your sister for having some girly conversations.

5. She flaunts you amidst the circle
She introduces you to all her friends and her family as well. You are a regular topic of discussion in their household. Why don’t you just sneak in to see if they’re actually planning for the big day in advance?

6. She cares for you in a special way
Friends generally care for each other. But she goes a step ahead each time. Every time she puts you above everything else and makes you feel special in every way.

7. She talks about the future
She is giving you a clear hint that she wishes to spend the entire life with you. What are you waiting for? Just pop out the question, boy.

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