How do you feel when you’re naked? How do you feel when you get undressed, look in the mirror and see yourself totally nude?
Be honest. What do you see first when looking at your naked body in the mirror? Do you immediately go for a flaw? Do you instantly obsess over something you don’t like?
Maybe you don’t like the shape of your breasts. Maybe your stomach isn’t as flat as you’d like it to be. Maybe your legs are just a little too chunky. Maybe your rear-end is flat or a little too wide.
The longer you look in a mirror, do you become more critical of yourself and the way that you look naked? Here’s the deal: If you rip yourself apart when you’re naked, if you’re highly critical of your body, your shape and/or the way it looks naked, it’s going to thoroughly destroy your sex life.
When you get naked with a man, the first thing the man wants to do is admire you. He wants to look at you, feel you, touch you. When a man has you naked, he doesn’t want to feel your insecurities, your fears about your body, your dislike about the way you look. After all, if he’s gotten that far with you, he’s attracted to you. He thinks you’re hot, sexy, and he wants to make love to you. If you don’t like your body, that feeling will come across when you’re having sex.
The minute he touches a part of your body that you don’t accept, you’re going to freeze up, and the man is going to feel that and wonder, Did I do something wrong?
It might be very subliminal, something that you don’t even realize you’re doing, but when two bodies are naked together, when they’re touching, when they’re feeling one another, everything is amplified.
I have been with women who didn’t emotionally embrace all parts of their bodies. And when I would touched that part, she would move my hand away.
My best advice? Get out of your head. Otherwise you won’t be able to fully enjoy the moment. When it comes to your body image, learn to love it the way it is.
Sure, you can have goals to improve your body by going to the gym and creating healthy habits. Regardless, you need to praise your body every single day because it is beautiful. You should feel sexy, beautiful and amazing because you are. And as you love your body more, you’ll attract more men that love it too.
So stand in front of a mirror, get naked and look at your beautiful, amazing body knowing it’s perfect just the way it is.\