When things become a little blue in the bedroom, most people resort to cosmetic fixes and miracle pills, being sorely oblivious to Nature’s bounty overflowing with natural cures for low libido. The following listed foods will help you rule the bedroom, in every possible way.
1. Pumpkin Seeds
Do you hate pumpkins? If you do, then you will have to find a way to love the little mean seeds insides, because they are essential to unleash your inner
beast in the boudoir. Insanely replete with zinc and essential oils, these seeds are your one-way ticket to a raging sex life. The nutrients contained within, aid in boosting testosterone and sperm production, blowing your libido to orgasmic heights.
2. Oysters
If you think that oysters are good for holding pearls alone, these little wonders will come back to surprise you. Oysters are nature’s own version of
Viagra. Loaded with zinc, omega-3 oils and monounsaturated fats, they aid in the sexual experience. Also, nothing adds more fireworks to sex than the intimate act of eating oysters with your partner. Kinky and nutritional!
3. Goji Berries
Don’t let these sweet little nubs fool you into believing that they are apparently worth nothing. Goji berries pack enough vitamins to have you kicking in
the sack for an eternity. Not only do they boost testosterone production but also aid in delaying the climax, so that the fun need not end soon. Equipped with nutrients to stabilise mood and stamina, Goji Berries are extremely important for your sex life.
4. Bananas
The banana has been long mocked for its penile shape. The fact that it delivers much more than it looks is under-appreciated by most. The abundance of
Vitamin B6 aids in balancing hormones and imitating the effect of serotonin secretion. Serotonin is responsible for the euphoric satisfaction after sex. The sugar content is a careful balance of complex and simple sugars that provide you with enough energy to last all night.
5. Celery
The weak and watery stalks offer much more than their looks, when it comes to boosting up one’s libido. The essential component in celery boosts the
androsterone levels in male perspiration. This aid in the production of an aphrodisiacal pheromone that is responsible for making men seem irresistible to women.
6. Dark Chocolate
When women obsess over how chocolates are the next best thing to sex, they do not mean it lightly. One bite of dark chocolate releases enough
endorphins to mirror an orgasm. A regular intake helps keep libidos high, so that lovemaking never gets tiresome.
7. Chillies
What better substance to ignite heated passions than the fiery chilli? Capsaicin, the active component contributing to the heat factor in chillies, is responsible
for releasing the endorphins that spark sexual desire and aid in a fiery sexual chemistry. Now, one can blissfully get rid of their vials of miracle pill. With this list in hand, one might never need to surface from their eternal coitus.