Sunday, April 28, 2013

What is BMI?

What is BMI?

When it comes to diet and fitness, a lot of clinical terms fly around confusing the uninitiated.

 BMI is one such term. In this article we answer all BMI related questions. Read on!

What is BMI?
BMI or Body Mass Index is a strategy for measuring body fat, based on the height and weight data supplied. Since obesity is a pressing issue in our country, with improper dietary choices dictating our physical health, the BMI provides a standardized guideline on the optimum mass structure based on age, height and weight input and provides an accurate indication of total body fat.

How is BMI calculated?
A standard BMI calculation index operates on a simple mathematical equation which requires parameters indicating height and weight in correlation to body fat. Measure your weight in kilograms and divide it by your height squared in inches. Multiply the number with 703. The product thus calculated is the BMI for the specifications mentioned. This decimal figure corresponds to a scale which indicates whether the figure achieved is within optimum BMI limits or not.

How is the Calculated BMI Figure Interpreted?
The first thing to know about BMI result interpretation is that even with the parameters of weight and height, one needs to consider age and sex as well. While the BMI indexing range is same for all adults, the scale incorporates different measures for kids and women. However a general consideration of the BMI index will define an index less than 18.5 to be underweight. If your index measure exceeds 30, it means that you’re grossly overweight and are extremely susceptible to health problems. The general scale for BMI measurement ranges from 18.5 to 24.9 for adults. Maintaining an optimum BMI range will aid in keeping harmful cholesterol and health hazard levels in check.

Disadvantages of BMI
The main disability in the whole body mass index measurement is that when it comes to differing physical builds, it fails to take into account muscle mass and ends up overestimating body fat for athletic body types. It is also an unreliable index for measuring fat ratios in older people, who tend to lose body fat with age. Biologically speaking, the physical constitution compounds definite fat reserves for both sexes, out of which women inherently constitute greater amounts of fat. Thus, BMI is not an absolutely correct index for measuring female body fat. The generalization in its scale makes it an unreliable index.

Precautions for Men with High BMI
Considering one’s numerical position in the scale, a high indication of BMI only corresponds to greater susceptibility to life-threatening diseases. Taking one’s waist circumference into account, BMI indexing might bring about the correct mass-fat ratio that an individual should have. Having measured your BMI, it is best to consult your physician to seek a potent remedy to the impending risk factors. The only solution to reduce one’s BMI is rigorous diet and exercise. Weight loss will significantly aid in doing away with the health risks involved.

Even with all its flaws, BMI is a potent indicator of physical health and should not be treated lightly. With the above-stated facts, you can compute your BMI with ease and ensure proper health and longevity.

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