Friday, January 11, 2013

Rules Of love For A Happy Relationship !!!

Rules Of love For A Happy Relationship - romantic couple

Love is an emotion which binds this whole world and is the most beautiful feeling. To be in love and be loved, is the biggest gift of God. It is said that it's more important to stay with a person who loves you rather than staying with a person you love. To be loved, makes a person feel connected to the other. Love between two genders, is the base of a happy family and a path to the next generation. Love is passed on from one to another and is contagious. Love between a boy and a girl, begins with attraction. Attraction to something with which the other fall in love.

As love gained is a bliss, love lost is a curse. To enjoy the bliss of togetherness, one needs to follow the rules of love. Rules of love should be followed for a happy relationship, for a better future and to strengthen the relationship. A relationship rests on four pillars – trust, honesty, friendship and frankness. The rules of love, are rules to strengthen these pillars.

Rules Of Love

Compromise is not a bad word. You need to compromise when you are in love. Just for the sake of a smile on your loved ones face. Compromise on little things which will make your partner happy. It may be a habit, a behaviour etc. Though, one should remember that compromise does not mean to give away one's likes and respect. A compromise is a settlement which both the partners decide together, keeping in mind the interest of each other.

2.Accept The Difference – 
Opposites attract but in the course of the relationship, partners tend to change the each other. Love your partner, the way she is and don't forget you fell in love with her for all her qualities. It is not possible for anyone to change. A person can only pretend to change. This pretense won't last for long.

3.Give Space
Everyone needs space. A space where he is himself. In most of the cases, 'time' grows up to become a major issue between couples. Being in relation does not mean that one cannot spend time with friends. As one needs a lover but at the same time friendship also holds a high position in a person's life. Couples don't give space to each other, most of the time because the relationship lacks trust. Trust cannot be forced, it should come naturally. If doubt creeps in, relationship is doomed. Space, makes the your love for each other into a relationship and lack of space makes it a binding or a burden.

 Social position and popularity of one partner, makes the other jealous. Jealously is bad of love. Love is too pure to combat jealousy and thus, it gets perished under the harshness of jealousy. Never take your partner as your competitor. Remember, both of you need to lead a life together. Your partners success should be equivalent to your success.

5.Keep Distance
It's always better to maintain a distance in every relationship. This saves one from being taken for granted. Distance makes heart go fonder. Distance makes the other realize the importance of the relationship and the urge to meet, keeps the excitement alive.
These five rules of love, will keep the passion of the relationship alive. Follow these rules of love to lead a happy relationship.

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