You are in a relationship but there is no feeling of love,
you care for him but what is the use of forcing yourself to be in a
relationship without any meaning. To solve all these matters and to be 'happy'
, all you have to do is to end the relationship which is something that is
difficult to do. But , on the other hand few people find this a piece of cake.
Here are some ways where you can end your relationship on a
nice, friendly basis:
“You got to be cruel to be kind" . In a relationship,
honesty is an important aspect that keeps live the relationship apart from the
other qualities. If you are not happy with that person and feel the necessity
the the relationship is slowly dying out. Walk out of it but make sure you tell
him the truth as to why you don't want to be in the relationship any more.
Face to face conversation
You cannot force anyone to stay with
you, neither can you force someone to love you. When love is lost, there is
nothing one can do. Having a face to face conversation has to be done in a
proper relaxed mind , so that the other person understands that you are not
thinking twice of staying in a relationship that has no future. A gentle break
up has to be done face to face to show some kind of consideration for your
It is your duty to tell him why you
are putting an end to this relationship. You have to be specific and make sure
that he understands the reason 'why'.
Be nice
It would be nice if you could make a
list of all the good things that you liked about your partner and admired. This
will let them know that they where truly important when the relationship was
going strong. You should not allow them to think that its one or two problems
that needs to be fixed. Sometimes the perfect people is just not perfect for each
You should know that ending a relationship is definitely
hard, and it is sad, but there are these times when it is necessary for the
sake of both partners. Keep in mind that the end of an affair is not the end of
the world, and staying together can sometimes be even worse.