Sunday, November 11, 2012

How To Be 'Just Friends' With A Guy?

How To Be Just Friends With A Guy - man and woman - girl

That guy just your friend? Don't use the cliched statement 'just friends' that celebrities use to deny their relationships. Are you truly friends with a guy? When ever it comes to seeking only friendship with the opposite sex, we shy away. This is not because of any conclusion based in reality but some rotten gender stereotypes that a friendship between a girl and a guy almost always has sexual overtones.
If you want to break those gender stereotypes and be truly be just friends with a guy then you have to follow some ground rules.

Rules To Be Just Friends With A Guy:

1. Name Your Relationship From The Go:
If you start of a relationship with vague expectations then it can go anywhere. So you need to set the rules from day one. You have to tell each other that what you seek is only friendship (at least at the moment). This works very well compared to a situation where you have been together for years and are still scared to define your relationship.

2. No Romantic Feelings:
Some people say that if the guy likes you and you don't then you can still be great friends. Please have no such illusions. If the guy likes you then every moment of your friendship is rekindling his hope that something is possible. So before you choose to be just friends make absolutely sure that you have no other variants of feelings for each other.

3. Involve Your Better Halves:
If you are just friends with a guy then there is no reason why this guy cannot be a good friend to your partner. In the same way you might find another good friend in his girlfriend. You should always introduce your guy friend to your significant other and become acquainted with his. This will bring your guy girl friendship within the realm of social acceptability where you spend time in a group.

4. Never Lie To Your Partner:
You must never lie to your partner if you are going to meet your good friend. Firstly, it will ruin your relationship and secondly it will make the situation with your guy friend awkward.

5. Have Your Space: 
You must never get too huggy feelie with your guy friend. There is bound to be some sexual tension between the two of you, so do not let it build to proportions that cannot be handled by you or him. A hug once in a while is fine but there is no need to walk hand in hand!

6. Be A Bro To Him:
If it is only friendship you want then a guys are good at it. They make the best bros because they are neither jealous of your beauty nor competing with you for attention. Treat him like the brother you never had and he will be your best buddy.

These relationship tips can help you go a long way in being just friends with a guy.

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